Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Let us be mindful of our actions.
Author: Fraser Trevor
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Let us be mindful of our actions. The precursor to action is thought. Sometimes it can be VERY hard to be aware of what we are actually th...
Let us be mindful of our actions.

The precursor to action is thought. Sometimes it can be VERY hard to be aware of what we are actually thinking, especially because many of our actions come from our unconscious thoughts trapped inside our child within. If we want to tap into what’s really running us, but are having a hard time, let us see what actions we are taking.

We want recovery, but we run away when it shows up. There is a misalignment there of desire and thought.

In this literal world, we can LITERALLY create (from the inside out) any type of experience we wish to choose. It is when our desires, our thoughts and our actions are in alignment that this kind of life begins to emerge.

The seed of a desire for something greater lives within all of us, but our lack of action prevents that kind of life from unfolding.

Imagine if a farmer had seeds and land to plant his seeds, but doubted that the seeds would grow if he planted them. So if this doubt were strong enough, the seeds would never get planted. Or, they get planted, but then the farmer becomes too impatient and digs up the seeds the next day or the next week because the crop hasn’t come yet.

The farmer still has no harvest. Then a second farmer comes by at harvest time with a full crop of harvest, and the first farmer gets jealous and angry at the second farmer for having abundance. The first farmer may blame The Universe or say, “People like me aren’t supposed to have this harvest,” but in reality, it is the farmer's own doubt and impatience that prevents him from reaping his harvest.

We are many times like the first farmer. Our seeds are our desires. Our fields are our daily actions. We must plant our desires in actions and then be patient. If weeds of doubt creep in, we must clear them out. And in perfect time we will be able to harvest the fruit of our faith.

This is how life is. We need to nurture the fertile soil of our actions with faith and patience.

So, today, are we not getting what we want? Look at our desires. Look at our actions. Where is there a disconnect? How can we adjust our actions to sync up with our recovery? And, if that feels weird, how can we change our MENTAL habits to allow ourself to take the proper action that is in alignment with our recovery?

The answers to the lack we may be temporarily experiencing are all within our child. Show up, let go and trust The Stages one day at a time. Get our desires, thoughts and actions in alignment with our perfect child within and then let our patience and faith shower down on the fertile soil of our actions.

Our harvest WILL come.

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