Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Weaponising Mindfulness: Kindfulness is not just for stress. We can also ap...
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Weaponising Mindfulness: Kindfulness is not just for stress. We can also ap... : Kindfulness is not just for stress. We can also apply Kindf...
Weaponising Mindfulness: Kindfulness is not just for stress. We can also ap...
Weaponising Mindfulness: Kindfulness is not just for stress. We can also ap...

Weaponising Mindfulness: Kindfulness is not just for stress. We can also ap...: Kindfulness is not just for stress. We can also apply Kindfulness to our daily practice of wellbeing. Begin by noticing …

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15 Dec 2018

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: 30 Weeks of Child Within of Calm,Tide and Ripples Contemplation and Reflection.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
30 Weeks of Calm, Tide and Ripples Contemplation and Reflection. An average contemplation should not take longer than ten minutes. If it t...
30 Weeks of Child Within of Calm,Tide and Ripples Contemplation and Reflection.
30 Weeks of Child Within of Calm,Tide and Ripples Contemplation and Reflection.

30 Weeks of Calm, Tide and Ripples Contemplation and Reflection. An average contemplation should not take longer than ten minutes. If it takes much longer, we are “thinking” (rehearsing, calculating)…

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11 Nov 2018

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The April Contemplation on The Child Within in Sleights Nr Whitby
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
The name Sleights means 'flat land near water'. This refers to the old location for Sleights... Concentration gives the message ...
The April Contemplation on The Child Within in Sleights Nr Whitby
The April Contemplation on The Child Within in Sleights Nr Whitby

The name Sleights means 'flat land near water'. This refers to the old location for Sleights... Concentration gives the message of alertness. Meditation gives the message of vastness. Contemplation g…

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27 Mar 2017

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: This meditation nurtures the child within wonderfully and at the same time nurtures the adult you.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
This meditation nurtures the child within wonderfully and at the same time nurtures the adult you. Prepare for meditation by sitting comf...
This meditation nurtures the child within wonderfully and at the same time nurtures the adult you.
This meditation nurtures the child within wonderfully and at the same time nurtures the adult you.

This meditation nurtures the child within wonderfully and at the same time nurtures the adult you. Prepare for meditation by sitting comfortably with the spine erect. Bring your concentration to the …

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02 Mar 2017

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The setting for our convention in 2017 will be in an Oasis of Peace and Tranquillity set within Los Alcornocales Natural Park
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Large numbers of Black Kites and other birds of prey migrate via the Straits of Gibraltar. (Photo credit: Wikipedia ) The setting for...
The setting for our convention in 2017 will be in an Oasis of Peace and Tranquillity set within Los Alcornocales Natural Park
The setting for our convention in 2017 will be in an Oasis of Peace and Tranquillity set within Los Alcornocales Natural Park

Large numbers of Black Kites and other birds of prey migrate via the Straits of Gibraltar. (Photo credit: Wikipedia) The setting for our convention in 2017 will be in an Oasis of Peace and Tranquilli…

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15 Jun 2016

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Ten Stage Questers venture into the unknown, confront difficulties and dangers, and return home with new understandings of themselves and of the world.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Ten Stage Questers venture into the unknown, confront difficulties and dangers, and return home with new understandings of themselves an...
Ten Stage Questers venture into the unknown, confront difficulties and dangers, and return home with new understandings of themselves and of the world.
Ten Stage Questers venture into the unknown, confront difficulties and dangers, and return home with new understandings of themselves and of the world.

Ten Stage Questers venture into the unknown, confront difficulties and dangers, and return home with new understandings of themselves and of the world. A pilgrimage, part trip and part ritual, is pre…

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14 Jun 2016

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Facebook Child Within Retreats
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Facebook Child Within Retreats
Facebook Child Within Retreats…

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13 Jun 2016

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Child Within November Retreat
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Wake up to the sound of birds, sip coffee on your patio overlooking the sea, watch nature unfold before your very eyes and listen to barki...
Child Within November Retreat
Child Within November Retreat

Wake up to the sound of birds, sip coffee on your patio overlooking the sea, watch nature unfold before your very eyes and listen to barking foxes or ships’ horns as they sail along Gibraltar straits…

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13 Jun 2016

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Don't let superstition block taking responsibility for our life and don't think for one second that some man made system is more powerful than our child within.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Nothing is more powerful than our child within - no planet, no karma, no calendar, no cycle. And we connect with our child within in h...
Don't let superstition block taking responsibility for our life and don't think for one second that some man made system is more powerful than our child within.

Nothing is more powerful than our child within - no planet, no karma, no calendar, no cycle. And we connect with our child within in here and now. Don't let superstition block taking responsibility f…

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06 Feb 2016

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: A gentle contemplation process for improving self-worth with The Ten Stages
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Calm,Tide and Ripples Contemplation and Reflection. An average contemplation should not take longer than ten minutes. If it takes much...
A gentle contemplation process for improving self-worth with The Ten Stages

Calm,Tide and Ripples Contemplation and Reflection. An average contemplation should not take longer than ten minutes. If it takes much longer, we are “thinking” (rehearsing, calculating) too much.A g…

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27 Jan 2016

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Don't think for one second that some man made system is more powerful than our child within. It's not and never will be.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
No matter what calendar you use - the Mayan calendar or the modern day Gregorian calendar, they are ALL man made. In fact, a pope - Pope...
Don't think for one second that some man made system is more powerful than our child within. It's not and never will be.

No matter what calendar you use - the Mayan calendar or the modern day Gregorian calendar, they are ALL man made. In fact, a pope - Pope Gregory, created the calendar we use today, and it was made of…

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23 Jan 2016

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Punishment didn’t solve our child withins problems; it intensifies them.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Punishment didn’t solve our child withins problems; it intensifies them. Want to know a secret about punishment? It requires consta...
Punishment didn’t solve our child withins problems; it intensifies them.
Punishment didn’t solve our child withins problems; it intensifies them.

Punishment didn’t solve our child withins problems; it intensifies them. Want to know a secret about punishment? It requires constant escalation. In order to maintain the temporary effect of controll…

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22 Jan 2016

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Now is not the time to let those who are living their addiction nightmare convince you that your recovery in the ten stages aren't true.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Now is not the time to let those who are living their addiction nightmare convince you that your recovery in the ten stages aren't...
Now is not the time to let those who are living their addiction nightmare convince you that your recovery in the ten stages aren't true.

Now is not the time to let those who are living their addiction nightmare convince you that your recovery in the ten stages aren't true.  They are simply living in bondage of the fear that isn't even…

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21 Nov 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: Let us be mindful of our actions.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
Let us be mindful of our actions. The precursor to action is thought. Sometimes it can be VERY hard to be aware of what we are actually th...
Let us be mindful of our actions.

Let us be mindful of our actions.The precursor to action is thought. Sometimes it can be VERY hard to be aware of what we are actually thinking, especially because many of our actions come from our u…

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21 Nov 2015

Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: We must have the mind of our child within in order to grasp the deeper meaning of recovery.
Author: Fraser Trevor
Rating 5 of 5 Des:
  We must have the mind of our child within in order to grasp the deeper meaning of recovery. What is a child like? A child is new, unt...
We must have the mind of our child within in order to grasp the deeper meaning of recovery.

  We must have the mind of our child within in order to grasp the deeper meaning of recovery. What is a child like? A child is new, untainted and curious. A child knows nothing of failure, of heartbr…

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06 Nov 2015