Fraser Trevor Fraser Trevor Author
Title: The Ten Stages are an experiential course usually of ten week duration
Author: Fraser Trevor
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The Ten Stages are an experiential course usually of ten week duration, it consists of basic meditational practice, discussion and study. ...
The Ten Stages are an experiential course usually of ten week duration, it consists of basic meditational practice, discussion and study. Part of the course is taken up with a revolutionary method of studying our child within, this is not inner child work. We look at ways of discerning what constitutes the parental voice and where it comes from.The Ten Stages is non-religious, not  new age or spiritual is not a drop in centre and respects the individual nature of its students. We study with enhanced protection for our students with no mentors, gurus, sponsors or leaders. We create a place of truth , trust and consent .The Study/discussion time is usually of four hour duration.

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